TopLine Dash – New Features for version 8.0

TopLine Dash, the premiere dashboard tool for Act!, includes two new major features with the release of Act! v16 which will greatly enhance your analytic abilities within Act!.

The first new feature is our most frequently requested feature — the ability to choose colors for your dashboard charts.  We provide four different color palettes to choose from out of the box.  If you are not satisfied with these palettes, you can customize the colors yourself.  In TopLine Dash, you can chart by most of the common entities in Act! such as Contacts, Companies, Groups, Opportunities, Histories, Notes and Activities.  Chart by almost any field within these entities, for example, Contacts by Record Manager, Opportunities by Stage, Histories by History Type, and Activities by Activity Type.  You can even chart by custom fields.  Once you have created your dashboard chart in TopLine Dash 8.0, modify the color scheme to fit your own unique needs.

The second new feature involves enhancements in the ability to show Key Performance Indicators (KPI).  You can now create KPIs off of most entities in Act! with only a few clicks.  You can create KPIs for all of the most common entities such as Contacts, Companies, Groups, Opportunities, Histories, Notes and Activities.  Get KPI data off of almost any field within those entities, including custom fields.

Below is an example of a KPI showing a sum of the Weighted Total field in the Opportunity table by Record Manager and by Stage.

Here we see an example showing the number of history records for each user broken down by the history type.

Even better, you can drill down on these KPI reports and see the data that makes up each of those cells.  Double click on Chris Huffman, Call Completed cell and you will get a list of each of those 22 history records.

Upgrade to Act! v16 and TopLine Dash 8.0 and experience these new features for yourself!  Visit our estore for more details,

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