A View from the TopLine

How to Setup OneNote for Effective Notetaking

Notes are an essential part of business. They help us keep track of new information, decisions made, conversations had, plans and changes to those plans. They also help us store information for reference, like when learning about a new product. They can be checklists or long paragraphs.

20 Considerations for the Future of CRM

As TopLine Results celebrates 25 years in business, offering technology and tools for building valuable relationships, we ask ourselves, what will the future of CRM look like? We considered this from several business perspectives: strategy, process, data, and people.

Using AI for Crafting Email Content

Email marketing is a huge deal for businesses, but let's be real - coming up with email content is a headache. That's where AI steps in to save the day! With AI-powered email content creation tools, you can streamline your email marketing game and whip up high-quality, personalized content.

Zoho Zia AI – Useful Features and Considerations

Artificial Intelligence is an increasingly useful tool in anyone's toolbelt, and this is especially true for CRM systems. AI systems can reduce your team's workload by assisting them in achieving some of the more tedious or time-consuming tasks. This allows for time to focus on what really matters.

Project Management Tips for CRM Implementation

If I were speaking to a room full of businesspeople and asked them, "Raise your hand if you have wholeheartedly enjoyed the implementation of a software system in your business!" I may be waiting a while to see some hands. While the idea of a new, more streamlined, and robust system is often embraced with excitement when anticipating the end result, getting it implemented and adopted across the company can be daunting (and exhausting!). This is where project management can add significant value.

Email Marketing Is Not Dead

Digital marketing will continue to grow and evolve, but one staple will always be around: email marketing. While it may seem like social media is taking over the digital marketing world, email marketing is the foundation for maintaining and strengthening connections with your clients.

Customize Your Sales Process to Win More Deals

A one-size-fits-all approach to selling is a recipe for disaster! So, how do you create a single sales process that fits every scenario? You don't! (Unless you sell only one product or service to a well-defined market segment, you will likely benefit from multiple sales processes.

A Fast Track for Learning Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales

When first getting to know a new app, it is common to feel intimidated. Business applications are more complex than ever, and they can do everything you can possibly imagine and more. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales is an extremely powerful tool, but you can easily get overwhelmed if you don't know where to start your learning journey.

Predictive AI for Strategic Decision-Making using Dynamics 365 Customer Insights

In today's evolving business environment, keeping up means more than just reacting – it's about predicting what's next. Manual methods struggle to keep up with changing market trends, customer preferences, and buying patterns. This results in missed opportunities, ineffective customer communication, and poor retention, leading customers to competitors that understand their needs.

A Guide for New Users Navigating ClickDimensions Academy

Navigating the world of a new digital marketing tool can be daunting. However, as a new user of ClickDimensions, this was not the case. Whether you are a new customer or partner, ClickDimensions provides a free tool called ClickDimensions Academy to help make using and understanding this resource more manageable.