Salesperson Likes & Dislikes of a CRM and Reasons for a Switch

For the last 24 years, TopLine Result's vision has been to create delight through imaginative solutions to solve real challenges and deliver tangible results by using relationship-driven technology like a CRM (customer relationship management).

We have witnessed a multitude of customers who embraced CRM with passion.

Your CRM in Times of Crisis Management

This year I crafted our business strategy for crisis management.  As a result of the past turbulent years and because of our responsibilities to our customers, this was an important task at TopLine Results.

The pandemic and its aftermath had a great impact on us as well as everyone else in the world.

9 Reasons to Integrate your Marketing Platform and Website with your CRM

If your CRM is not integrated with your website and marketing platform, you are missing out on a lot of benefits! Here are nine reasons to move forward with integration:

Better Customer Experience
When you integrate your CRM with your marketing platform and website, you provide your sales team with instant access to prospect engagement with marketing activities.

CRM for C-Levels: 8 Advantages to Consider & Use

Currently, I’m part of a CEO roundtable group, where we give updates on our business, discuss issues, and share ideas on the topic of the day. As a change of scenery, I hosted our last meeting on my boat. It was a beautiful day on Pewaukee Lake. The sun was out, there was a fresh breeze, and the temperature was perfect for June.

Empowerment Tools: From Daily Journal to CRM

When I was a boy in primary school, we had a daily journal. It was small but thick enough to cover the entire school year. Each page, as you would expect, had a place for the date. Each day had a section for what was done and what homework was required for the next class.

Monitor your company’s direction and strategy.

Metrics are important in any workplace. They help us set goals, measure success, and keep a team on track in any industry. At TopLine Results, we have several methods for monitoring our direction and ensuring our efforts are invested in areas where they will have the biggest impact.

CRM: Foe or Friend – A little history might help

I used my first "CRM" in 1990; it was a DOS version of Act! At the time we called it a contact manager. I picked it up because a friend spoke highly of it, so I got my own copy and loaded the program on my PC. I made that choice, and it was clearly my friend.

Power BI: The Leading Business Intelligence Tool


Business intelligence (BI) reporting tools refer to platforms that are designed to collect, analyze, transform, and report data from various sources. They present the data in a visual manner, often using interactive dashboards that provide actional insights.

21 Approaches To Learning CRM in Your Organization

It is widely known that there are three primary learning styles for adults: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Visual learners tend to learn by looking, seeing, and watching. Auditory learners tend to learn by listening, hearing, and speaking. Kinesthetic learners tend to learn by experience, doing, and moving.

The Five “A”s to CRM Success

At TopLine Results, we work hard to advise our customers on the best solution to address their needs. Because we are not limited to one product line, we take a client centric approach to problem-solving. Here are some tips based on our experience. They are the five “As” to consider when selecting and implementing a successful CRM.


CRM platforms come in many shapes and sizes with a wide range of price points.