Finding the Right Marketing Technology Fit

Digital marketing and marketing automation are hot topics for businesses these days.  As a certified marketing automation consultant, I meet with business owners and marketing managers on a weekly basis to help them determine which digital marketing tool will work best for them.

Social Media Tips for Small Businesses

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat . . . the list goes on.  Many small businesses that I work with daily find social media to be overwhelming and hard to manage.  At TopLine Results, we work with clients to make social media manageable and engaging.

Three Tips for Using Notes in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Below are three quick things to consider when using Notes in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Notes are available on both the Contact and Account level in CRM.

Although Notes are available at both the Contact and at the Account level in Microsoft CRM, it is important to remember that notes entered at the Contact level do not natively appear at, or roll up to, the Account level.