A View from the TopLine

Dan’s Desk: A Series of Security Memos – Whaling

Security Memo 3: The Dangers of Whaling

**This is part of a series of memos, straight from Dan's desk, helping you understand more about easy security steps for your work and personal use. Read the second memo in this series.**

In an effort to further enhance your company’s cyber defenses, we want to highlight a common cyber-attack that everyone should be aware of – whaling.

Sales and Marketing . . . Best Friends Forever?

What are some of your favorite pairings? Some of mine are peanut butter and jelly, movies and popcorn and Hans Solo and Chewbacca. My most favorite pairing EVER is sales and marketing. I know I’m biased. I am a Digital Marketing Consultant after all, and I’m also a salesperson.

Finding Your Way

Google Maps and I are good friends. Sometimes I ignore Google Maps advice, because I think I know better, only to find myself in a traffic jam that Maps was trying to help me avoid. Consequently, sometimes even when I know where I am going and how to get there, I’ll check Google Maps to make sure I am not headed toward a traffic accident or a long construction delay.

Fred Varin attends VetsNet Roundtable

VetsNet Roundtable

TopLine Results doesn't just say they support U.S. veterans, but hires them as well. Our marketing consultant, Madison Knabe, is part of the Wisconsin Air National Guard. As part of our goal to give back to a community that secures our freedom on a day to day basis, Fred, TopLine's President, attended VetsNet Executive Roundtable.

Dan’s Desk: A Series of Security Memos – Phishing

Security Memo 2: The Dangers of Phishing

**This is part a series of memos, straight from Dan's desk, helping you understand more about easy security steps for your work and personal use. Read the first in the series.**

In an effort to further enhance cyber defenses, we want to highlight a common cyber-attack that everyone should be aware of – phishing.

Top 7 Ways to Embrace CRM

What does success look like when you implement a CRM?

Many companies know that a system is needed to keep track of the important information they gather about their prospects, their leads and their current customers. Yet when it comes to defining what success looks like, there are many measurable outcomes.

Improve Security using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

As our lives become more and more “digital”, it is increasingly important to protect our digital identity.  Most people have the attitude of “I don’t have anything important enough to steal” so they take a very lackadaisical approach to all aspects of security on the internet.

Video Techniques

Recently I hosted my Pizza and Pop event all about video. We covered why you should use video, many different types, and some hot tips and tricks to shooting your own videos. Oh and of course, we all had pizza! Now that the event is behind us, I want to follow up with some additional video techniques.

Why a Business Should Consider a CRM Solution

Each business is unique – either in what it does or how it serves customers. Even within the same industry, businesses have differentiators that align them with specific clients or make them stand out relative to their competition. But in the end, every business is about building products or providing services or solutions.