Understanding and Improving Your Sales Engagement

Understanding and Improving Your Sales Engagement

The term “sales engagement” has become increasingly popular among sales leaders across a wide array of industries. But what exactly does the term “sales engagement” entail? It may be simpler than you think.

On the surface, sales engagement refers to the interactions between a salesperson and a prospect. This is not limited to in-person interactions. Sales engagement is a broad term that can also include interactions by phone or online. Many businesses today focus on these points of interaction and use them as a sort of measurement to manage relationships throughout the sales process. Below is an example diagram (per highspot.com) of a sales engagement process and the various touch points involved with it:

So, you know what sales engagement is referring to, and you strategize for efficient sales engagement every day. However, sometimes it can be difficult to figure out how to really improve the process for both your salespeople and the prospects they are trying to reach. Here are a few best practices to consider for making your sales engagement as efficient and effective as possible:

  • Align sales with marketing: You may notice from the earlier diagram, but many avenues for sales engagement can be carried out using marketing tactics. Social media and email marketing are just a few of the ways marketing can help sales with these touch points. It is important for your salespeople to be on the same page as marketing with aligned messaging and processes.
  • Use your data: You need your strategy to be as informed as possible. Using data to understand ROI from your current sales engagement steps can give you a better idea of which strategies work. You can also get reports on digital methods of communication, such as email opens or social media responses. A CRM database can be a great way to save time tracking this data and making it easily accessible for your team.
  • Tailor your plan to the audience: There is no “one size fits all” solution for effective sales engagement. Various methods of communication will resonate differently with everyone. This is another example of how using a CRM database with valid prospect information can help you effectively segment your audiences. You should always be prepared to change up your strategy and be willing to tweak it for different target groups. Personalization goes a long way!

If you are interested in using a CRM database to improve your sales engagement, contact us! We have over 20 years of experience using data to aid in sales and marketing processes and would be happy to help you make the most of your data and resources. For more information, call us at 800-880-1960, or email us at info@toplineresults.com.


Additional Resource to learn more about sales engagement (Also source of diagram):


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