Productivity and Efficiency – Microsoft PowerToys

If I can improve my productivity and/or efficiency by 1% per day, it would add up to a tremendous improvement in my quality of work life.

There are some boring, repetitive tasks that I occasionally must perform. I do them often enough that they cause my happiness to drop slightly every time I do them.

Join A Microsoft Teams Meeting Hosted By TopLine Results

One of the greatest achievements in technology that has helped everyday business-people is having the ability to share your computer screen with another person…or to securely view the computer screen of another. At TopLine Results, we do this very often for many reasons including, but not limited to:

Demonstrating a product we support, such as Dynamics 365, Zoho or Salesforce.

Microsoft Flow and Dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics CRM has had a native workflow engine almost since inception. For the most part, this has been a great automation tool. It provides a very easy-to-use way to automate simple processes in your CRM database. Also, there is a way to extend the functionality of the native workflow engine using C# and .NET so even if you can’t do something out-of-the-box, it is possible to write some code to get it done.

Dan’s Desk: A Series of Security Memos – Carelessness

Security Memo 5: Carelessness

**This is the last memo in a series, straight from Dan's desk, helping you understand more about easy security steps for your work and personal use. Read the fourth memo in this series.**

An overwhelming 80% of corporate security professionals and IT administrators indicated in a recent survey that "end user carelessness" constituted the biggest security threat to their organizations, surpassing the ever-present peril posed by malware or organized hacker attacks.

Dan’s Desk: A Series of Security Memos – Passwords

Security Memo 4: Passwords

**This is part of a series of memos, straight from Dan's desk, helping you understand more about easy security steps for your work and personal use. Read the third memo in this series.**

The easiest way to protect yourself and your company from cyber threats is by having a strong password.

Dan’s Desk: A Series of Security Memos – Whaling

Security Memo 3: The Dangers of Whaling

**This is part of a series of memos, straight from Dan's desk, helping you understand more about easy security steps for your work and personal use. Read the second memo in this series.**

In an effort to further enhance your company’s cyber defenses, we want to highlight a common cyber-attack that everyone should be aware of – whaling.

Dan’s Desk: A Series of Security Memos – Phishing

Security Memo 2: The Dangers of Phishing

**This is part a series of memos, straight from Dan's desk, helping you understand more about easy security steps for your work and personal use. Read the first in the series.**

In an effort to further enhance cyber defenses, we want to highlight a common cyber-attack that everyone should be aware of – phishing.

Improve Security using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

As our lives become more and more “digital”, it is increasingly important to protect our digital identity.  Most people have the attitude of “I don’t have anything important enough to steal” so they take a very lackadaisical approach to all aspects of security on the internet.

Dynamics 365 CRM and Power BI

Business intelligence, or BI, has been a hot buzz word for several years now. A lot of businesses are looking to take advantage of it but getting only limited traction. There are a number of tools out there to help – each one having its strengths and weaknesses.