July 29th, 2021

Problems Hiring? Check Your Online Presence

Problems Hiring? Check Your Online Presence

It is no secret that we are currently in one of the most competitive hiring markets across the country and across industries. As you drive down the street hiring signs are posted and many have turned from hiring signs to sign-on bonus signs. Potential employment candidates are taking their searches to the web to look for reviews, company culture, job descriptions, and more. Is your online presence ready for these candidates? Below are a few areas to consider reviewing and updating if you are actively trying to hire.

Your website acts as a place for customers and leads to learn more about you. It can also act as an area for potential hires to decide if they are a good fit for your company. Review your “About Us” section of your website to ensure it represents your company culture. If you do not have a “Careers” or job posting area on your website, consider adding one. This is another area where you can talk about why your company is a good fit for potential candidates.

Social Media
Review your social media pages to ensure they represent your company in the best light to future candidates. Build in social media posts with job postings and updates that represent your company culture. Most of all, work with your current team to reshare your job posting and company culture posts on their social media feeds. Most long-lasting hiring is done by word of mouth, and social media is the electronic version.

Online Reviews
Have you done an audit of online reviews about your company? Consider adding hiring sites like Indeed and Glassdoor to your audit list for reviews from past employees. This will give you a sense of what people are saying about your company and give you a chance to respond. Putting together a process to gather online reviews from current employees could also allow you to build a more positive digital company presence.

Yes, we already mentioned social media, but LinkedIn has earned its own spotlight. Review your management and hiring team’s LinkedIn profiles to ensure they are represented in the best light. Many candidates will review their profiles before an interview. Ensure they have the most accurate information available. LinkedIn can also be a great option to post your current job openings.

Most of all your online presence needs to match your real-life culture and team experience. Ensure you are giving an accurate depiction of your company and any open positions, so you can be matched with the best candidates. If you need a hiring audit of your website and social media with recommended changes, contact us to set up a time to discuss.