Pizza and Pop

Pizza and Pop

[Pewaukee, Wisconsin – February 25, 2019] – TopLine Results Corporation, a customer relationship management (CRM) consulting firm based in Pewaukee, Wisconsin, announces the launch of a new seminar series. The seminars, appropriately called Pizza and Pop, are free lunches hosted by TopLine results at their corporate office. Each seminar covers a new topic for 30 minutes and then allows another 30 minutes for questions and networking.  The topics range anywhere from small business social media management to CRM database comparisons, and sales process consulting to email marketing expertise. The seminars begin April 4th, 2019 and occur once each month through September. RSVP now because seats are expected to go quickly. Seats can be reserved through EventBrite, named Pizza and Pop Business Topics, or

TopLine Results firmly believes in relationship-driven business and technology with education being at the forefront of their services. TopLine Results has decades of expertise in CRM databases, process consulting, and digital marketing. TopLine Results wants to empower everyone, especially local businesses, to deliver the best experience to their customers and increase sales.

About TopLine Results Corporation

TopLine Results Corporation is a customer relationship management (CRM) cloud services and consulting firm specializing in Microsoft Dynamics 365, Salesforce, Act!, and Zoho CRM. Services include hosted and on-premise customized solutions, process consulting and implementation services, training and support. TopLine Results also focuses on CRM integration, digital marketing and automation. TopLine Results is a developer of software applications such as dashboards and CRM integration plug-ins. Headquartered in Pewaukee, Wisconsin, with offices in Chicago and Appleton, the TopLine Results mission is to empower companies with customized CRM solutions that increase sales, marketing, customer service and overall business effectiveness.

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